An Old Wooden Church In Poland – 20.5.2013

Wow, this is beautiful. After looking “around”, be sure to click the UP arrow and look at the walls and ceiling. An Old Wooden Church In Poland ……really something to see.  this church is so beautiful, one has to wonder how you could possibly concentrate on the service?
This church had been built by Germans since this part of Poland had been German until WW II, when the Oder/Neisse line had been drawn. Details in this church are absolutely amazing. Take a good look. Use the pointers at the bottom of the picture to view all the
different angles, up and down and the + sign to zoom inIts incredible.

Move your cursor around to see it all. especially in the “Full Screen ” mode

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Editor: Willi Noack | Administración Técnica: Jose Carlos Choque Y. | Creatica Ltda.